Your time is almost up.
Hello dear,
There is no reason to relax at all but ẏou ԁon’t neeԁ to panic anԁ haνe to
read my message carefullẏ.
It is reallẏ important, moreoνer, it’s ...
Tuesday, December 30, 2008
Therefore The Female Thought As Though More Emotionally
Therefore the female thought as though more emotionally man's, and man's feeling is as though more rational female. Writer Jury Rjurikov The brain of the man and brain of the woman differ from each other since the birth. Basis of such distinction is the tiny part of a brain which is called , - this part is various at men and at women on a structure and on functions. Here some examples of such distinction: - The well-known intuition of the woman inherit biologically, i.e. Receive together with a brain; - women "read" persons is much better and more full understand a sign language and a mimicry (even involuntary) the interlocutor; - women are much more sensitive; they instantly notice change of mood of surrounding people, catch each inexact information; - women, as a rule, are much more capable in linguistics, than men. Their speech differs complexity and completeness. They are stronger in grammar and in studying of foreign languages, as, however, as well as in reading... Women also are much more sensitive to smells, sounds and touches - they on much faster and more sharply men react to occurrence or change of these .
Tuesday, December 23, 2008
The Darling Washing, Whether It Is Necessary For
The darling washing, whether it is necessary for me here and now to transform the word into the technical instruction about possible poses (them not tens, but hundreds) and concerning continuous transition from one in another, from one to other way of delightful "joining"? No, certainly. Itself or by means of the friend you will pick up, as to you it is better: from above, from below, sideways, behind, in front, standing, sitting, lying, in , head over heels and in what sequence all it can be scrolled. I wish to tell now to you about other: how to make your body obedient to each your desire, how to expand a range of your physical possibilities. I believe, nobody will learn you to that necessary that I now will tell, will not learn to those, at least to three - four-five exercises which will translate you, conditionally speaking, from school initial in school average. The first: specially learn more abruptly back a coxofemoral joint (better to say to bulge ). It will allow you to receive a chasm unknown until then voluptuous sensations in that position when your friend is behind, and its ability in general will finish your feeling to protogenic, genetic ecstasy as classical performance of this pose ascends almost to that still to a time when our overland ancestors only left the World ocean.
Wednesday, December 17, 2008
And Still, At Parting: I Will Be Absolutely
And still, at parting: I will be absolutely frank! Nobody can prevent you a mental trajectory of a white cord in front when you embrace the girlfriend, to pass and through it. Its excitement, its desire will increase with bewitching and not clear it a progression, but it only will be glad to them... And if you learn also to its practice fiery "the White cord"?. And if you in its mental trajectory put, for example, a glass of water or other drink which you will allow to it to enjoy preliminary?. And at parting: yes, all this school demands considerable work and time for development of its strategy and mastering by its tactics, speaking military language. But after all it is heavy in the doctrine, it is easy in fight! And however, as here it was more than once told, violently in paradise it is impossible to drag anybody. The author I thank for trust, I am sorry for possible excess released to me it is right. The justification one: tried to work honesty, in a full measure of the forces and knowledge.
Sunday, December 14, 2008
If Not To Be Cleared Of Them, Not
If not to be cleared of them, not to regenerate, also recover will not come, or it will be short. And then it is necessary to go to a temple, irrespective of, the believer you or not. It is necessary or confess and confess at the priest to whom you trust, or it is sincere, standing in silence, to reduce mentally the defects to ashes, to be released from them, them from yourself. The author says that it is better to make it standing under a dome where concentrates and strong light energy of the Sky falls, and I already all internally aimed at preparation for a meeting with new soul - have turned at once all these words to myself. Houses - the husband, children, economic fuss, on work - affairs, meetings, conversations. Where to concentrate, retire into himself/herself? There was an occasion before usual to leave institute, and I have not run on shops, and have gone to regional library. About as it was empty in a reading room!. As for a long time not I with detachment from affairs behind the light polished little table.
Friday, December 12, 2008
A Hypothesis: And If Together To Dance ?.
A hypothesis: and if together to dance ?. I already said that it is necessary to involve at this time all channels : both sense of smell, and touch, and taktilno-muscular sensations. But after all it is necessary to include at full capacity and flavouring receptors! Never I will forget, as it was fine under sounds of hardly audible languid music, in twilight to sit in a peignoir on Leonid's mighty knees and to eat, handing down, segments of pears expiring by sweet juice, "ladies' fingers", magnificent plums. And all it was washed down still with wonderful drinks from the most thin crystal wine glasses. The sound of that music that was distributed at their gentle meeting, sounds without weakening in the tenderness already many long years in my ears. Certainly, the darling washing, such holidays are arranged not daily, to put it mildly, but after all matter is not in quantity, and in that their magic quality which overflows with hot delight both your memory, and each section of a body throughout many years and decades.
Friday, December 5, 2008
What Remains In Such Conditions To System? The
What remains in such conditions to system? The nature has found the wisest way out of this situation: many systems share on two subsystems - operative and conservative. Operative comes nearer to Wednesday for reception of the new information, conservative keeps away from Wednesday for self-preservation. The same, by the way, it is possible to tell and about other systems social, economic... Here, for example, a soccer team - game system. In it is attacking, and there are defenders and the goalkeeper. One attack, others provide "back". So stability of system raises. And what the nature for stability of system biological has created? Two subsystems, two floors - man's, operative, and female, conservative. Men usually die earlier. It is result of their active contact to Wednesday, "payment" for new knowledge of it. For the woman adaptability is characteristic big . In the conditions of discomfort when environment sends, for example, tests by a cold, female individuals react to it, increasing a layer of hypodermic fat.
Thursday, December 4, 2008
I Have Honour With You To Communicate, Because
I have honour with you to communicate, because each Russian woman for me - honour. It - a treasure, whatever it was soiled. Not it in it is guilty, and - a life. The life has trampled it, has perverted her soul is such suffering when it is difficult to breathe when it is clamped from different directions. And nevertheless advantage grows in you, as a gold core. And eventually you - are straightened, because not your body fastens, and spirit. When I was the girl, I was so poor that ate time in two-three days. Perhaps therefore I am done not disturbed today by your difficulties in meal is it is possible to worry. If you knew, how it is a little necessary to support an organism! At the school in Paris I ask: if can, do not eat in general time in ten days, only drink, clear the organism! You can think - here lives happily, has managed to organise the life, all seems to it simply. I understand it. But understand you too that a lot of energy is spent for nothing - for that purely outer side of a life, which eventually - not the main thing.
Tuesday, December 2, 2008
But What Was; Its Surprise When It Have
But what was; its surprise when it have moved in the rooms taken away for it where the bed for it dimmed just Fatima whom, low bowing, has left, the master of the house and the visitor!. With all frankness and adherence to principles Ivan Ivanovich, at once having sobered up, has asked a public prosecutor's question, say, to Balkhash: "Yes as you can, such-sjakoj, is so inhumane address with the woman who has given you all life? Has translated, you see in servants, and itself you play with young-beautiful! Excuse, the brother, I to you will tell directly, in a front way: so it is not necessary!" Then Balkhash, too having sobered up and having broken laws of east politeness which do not order to argue with the dear visitor, has severely objected it: "Excuse, Ivan Ivanovich, and I, directly, on - the front will answer you that it at you, at Russian, is not present any humanity: when the woman will grow old, you on divorce from the house expel her or on the party to go, and she from it suffers.
In General, Principles Of Correct Breath Play A
In general, principles of correct breath play a role that in yoga that in "Secret" - as a basis of bases of health. I will not speak in detail about it, the big section in "Three whales of health" is devoted breath. But now I talk about breath a lot of sort - connected with bright purposeful meditation and with accurate sensation from work of the fancy. I dictate: you represent in the a ball of bright white colour. Mentally you conduct it upwards on a backbone, you lead up to a projection of a solar plexus and you direct from a backbone on line slightly rounded off upwards directly to a solar plexus. Therefrom you conduct it downwards, to a navel, leaving behind it a white trace. Over a navel - the trajectory of a white cord forks and down to goes two parallel lines. At two lines merge in one and go in . Therefrom all begins at first, but with that difference that now movement with each new turn will be made all faster. The problem on a breath to lift a cord upwards, and on an exhalation to lower downwards - already precisely and unmistakably on the laid trajectory.
Friday, November 28, 2008
It Never From Anybody Did Not Hide The
It never from anybody did not hide the truth, did not resort to any dodges. Its passion to unexpected travel and adventurous adventures is possibility to learn something new. Meetings with strangers, dialogue with them to full affinity display all the same all-devouring curiosity. That is especially characteristic: the similar way of life allows it to live in the full consent with itself and as she believes, to slow down process of ageing and to avoid fear before death: after all for the short life she has lived already as though not one, and set of lives. It is asked, unless its way - one of many - not a way of acquisition of the steady internal harmony inherent in the given individual person? Sherli Maklejn only in the pointed form has expressed the relation at a marriage from outside women, completely free from obligations to someone except itself. Theorists and reformers of new forms of marriage, moving ways parallel to it, put forward following arguments: - Illegitimate sexual communications - unless it is the most essential part of illegitimate relations? - Unless the personal freedom can choke with the right of one person to another? - Unless it will be not better to the spouses which sexual relations were cooled if their passions flare up with new partners? - Unless it will be not better, that experts out of a family, instead of illiterate and worthless in this respect parents were engaged in education of children? - Unless not the same people how everything, supporters of unisex love so why their association (at least and from several persons) not to consider as modern kinds of a family are? - And .
Thursday, November 27, 2008
And If Next Time She Wishes To Be
And if next time she wishes to be and obedient - it is very good, that wished by the woman, that is wanted by the Sky!. In other words, it is a question not only of my creation of kind love atmosphere, but also and about full freedom of the woman as creator of relations, about absence of its internal constraint. About ours with it of solidarity, about harmony of aspirations. And here, misters pure "technicians", it is created such extensive "technical nomenclatures of details and designs" about which, safely I dare to tell, to you and it is not necessary to dream!. And the base of these fantastic human riches is the absolute confidence of the woman that in bed its blessing for me - the prime target, and its joyful aspiration to correspond such here my readiness. Here it is possible, of course, running forward many to speak and about different "technical" ways emotional " " specific appointment: and about salty (or very salty) the words told not only on a box of love, but also alone sounded on an ear, and accompanied very much even expressive caress or a kiss, it is possible to say even about special discussion of that yesterday was and so has brightly impressed, and that it would be desirable today, but I while stop.
Saturday, November 22, 2008
And At Man's So It Is Impossible. They
And at man's so it is impossible. They are compelled to extract fire or to invent clothes. Otherwise -
Thursday, November 20, 2008
Businessmen And Managers Of A Various Rank Up
Businessmen and managers of a various rank up to the American presidents believe necessary for themselves to be reputed as the good family man - from it outright their career depends. According to two national anonymous interrogations to the USA, nine of ten Americans are true to the spouses throughout all marriage term, the monogamy is represented to them to the best of all kinds of family relations. And at the same time: in France, for example, to 10 % of pairs "aged" lives in the free union, and among young families (till 25 years) this percent reaches 50. And at the same time: it works to 90 % of family men, and usually. But here that is unusual: works, it is occupied in various spheres of social activities to 40 % of women in the West! And it already assumes the deepest shifts at all institute of marriage. Why? Yes because it leads to quite naturally distracting attention of many women from a family to the business, to the trade and prosperity in it as in value paramount, giving to them not only possibility of personal self-realisation, but also sufficient means for existence independent of the man.
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