Thursday, March 19, 2009

As The Author In "Three Whales Of Health"

As the Author in "Three whales of health" wrote: silly to play a flute as if on a harp, and on the piano as on a guitar, to sense will not be (approximately so he wrote). But business is even more difficult: even the same woman and mood change can change with the years the spirits, and meet also such, the sexual sphere which comprises the whole orchestra if to continue comparison! The psychology psychology, but further your problem - to find an exact physiological key (I repeat: with its help). It is possible to apply and other comparison: to dial correct telephone number. One more is possible: to solve the code number on the lock of an automatic left-luggage office. Etc. the Reason of a variety of numbers that at each of women this or that erogenous zone predominates. He/she is our brother the muzhik it is arranged primitively: a member, especially its head, and - here practically and all excitable zones. Literally words "time-two and ". At women it is extremely more difficult! I will result a concrete example: has asked me somehow Anastas for cold to rub to it with a warming medicine before a dream area between shovels.

Wednesday, March 18, 2009

It, Possibly, From Other System Of Values, With

It, possibly, from other system of values, with other measures of the phenomena, with other categories of estimations, it induces to the acts which are broken out from a habitual course of things. Not my business - high philosophy, I know only that the Siberian salmon goes through the seas and oceans, through traps and traps, she climbs up upwards on falls, it passes families of bears on rifts and jails of poachers to come to a reserved place and to give a new life to the sort. From the point of view of a gudgeon if, of course, there is at it a point of view, from positions of its knowledge, Siberian salmon advancement - continuous absurdity, But without this "absurdity" relay race of times would interrupt. I, of course, not a Siberian salmon, I the person, and all counterarguments to a birth of the new kid are heard by me not from someone because about it still anybody and does not assume, it in itself I lose a situation, I them state it. Also denies them I do not know, what force: can be, an instinct which is more powerful than mind, and, maybe, and the higher reason which too is stronger than the ordinary logic.