Thursday, May 14, 2009

I Know That In Pregnancy I Will Be

I know that in pregnancy I will be especially kind to people, I will aspire to light, to pleasure, to fun, I will overcome the dislike for abstractions and I will reflect on lofty matters, leaning against love to those works of art both fine buildings and ensembles which so I know in the city much! I often will with children and Egor to happen on the nature that its beauty and omnipotence through me formed feelings of my new child. I will float with it, I will receive fiery emotions from cold douches, I will listen with it to fine music. All of us family begin to listen to it, and it - among us and together with us as an equal in rights and favourite member of a family. I will read to the children the best verses, and he will enjoy them together in all of us. My guarded and purposeful attention was involved somehow with conversation about meditations which were conducted in a tram by two brisk ladies. Obviously, heard then was "mine" and has sounded not casually: I with interest have started to untwist this unfamiliar to me before a theme and have come across the whole Himalayas literatures and on serious experts on this business.

1 comment:

  1. In favorable conditions process of consecutive divisions can proceed beyond all bounds. A classical example: unicell division - - during 8400 generations. In this case has no value that actually only copies of some of the elementary create the generations, capable to share (without sexual reproduction) vaguely long. If this ability was observed only at one kind of the elementary or even at one branch and then it would be the basis for the statement that theoretically there is a life without internal causes of death in the presence of certain favorable environmental conditions.
